David K. Adams
Research Associate
Professor, Hydrology and Meteorology, Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Avelino F. Arellano
Associate Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Associate Professor, GIDP Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis, GIDP Applied Mathematics
Joint Associate Professor, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
he, him, his
Eyad Atallah
Assistant Professor of Practice, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
he, him, his
Victor R. Baker
Regents' Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Professor, Geosciences
Joint Professor, Planetary Sciences
Joint Professor, Global Change GIDP, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis GIDP
he, him, his
Hale Barter
HAS Advisory Board Chair
HAS Advisory Board Service 2020-Current
President and Groundwater Hydrologist, Montgomery & Associates
Ali Behrangi
University Distinguished Scholar and Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Science
Joint Professor, Civil Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Joint Professor, Geosciences
Joint Proessor, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis GIDP
Richard A. Bennett
Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Adjunct Professor, Geosciences (home department)
Eric A. Betterton
University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Professor Emeritus, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Joint Professor Emeritus, College of Public Health
Joint Professor Emeritus, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Director Emeritus, Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Michael A. Brunke
Research Scientist, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Mark L. Brusseau
Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Professor, Environmental Science (home department)
Chris Callahan
Digital Marketing Specialist, Student Recruitment
Christopher L. Castro
Director of Research Applications
Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado
Hsin-I Chang
Assistant Research Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Director, Center for Applied Hydroclimate Sciences
Karletta Chief
Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Full Professor and Extension Specialist, Environmental Science (home department)
University Distinguished Professor, Outreach
Director, Arizona Institute of Resilience, Haury Indigenous Resilience Center (IRC)
Chair, Indigenous Food/Energy/Water Systems - Graduate Interdisciplinary Degree Program (GIDP)
Professor, American Indian Studies - GIDP
Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP
Associate Professor, Environmental Physics
Associate Professor, Public Health
Jon Chorover
Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Professor and Department Head, Environmental Science (home department)
Bonnie Colby
Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics (home department)
Andrew C. Comrie
Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Professor, Geography and Development (home department)
Joint Professor, Public Health
Kenneth L. Cummins
Research Associate, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Research Professor, Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences at Florida Institute of Technology
Jesse Dickinson
HAS Advisory Board Member
HAS Advisory Board Service 2023-Current
U.S. Geological Survey, Research Hydrologist
Xiquan Dong
Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Director, Graduate Studies-Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Professor, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis GIDP
Jeremy Dowling
HAS Advisory Board Member
HAS Advisory Board Service 2021-Current
Piteau Associates, President and Chief Hydrogeologist
Jennifer (Guohong) Duan
Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Professor, Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (home department)
Mike Eklund
Principal Systems Administrator, Department Support
IT Support, Arizona Weather Regional Forecast Group
Charlie Ester III
HAS Advisory Board Member
HAS Advisory Board Service 2016-Current
Salt River Project, Manager of Surface Water Resources Operation
Grant A.G. Ferguson
Adjunct Associate Professor
Centennial Enhancement Chair, University of Saskatchewan
P.A. Ty Ferré
University Distinguished Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Professor, Environmental Science-Ext.
Phillip Fitzwater
HAS Advisory Board Member Emeritus
HAS Advisory Board Service 2021-2024
Retired Senior Consultant and President of Iris Environmental
Erika Gallo
Research Specialist Senior, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Barry D. Ganapol
Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Professor, Global Change GIDP
Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (home department)
Karl Gast
HAS Advisory Board Member
HAS Advisory Board Service 2015-Current
Engineer, Raytheon
David C. Goodrich
Adjunct Professor
Research Hydraulic Engineer, USDA-ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center, Tucson, Arizona
Bo Guo
Associate Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Faculty, Applied Math GIDP
Hoshin V. Gupta
Regents' Professor, Hydrology and Atmopsheric Sciences
SRP Professor, Technology-Public Policy/Markets
Joint Professor, Global Change GIDP
Joint Professor, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis GIDP
Neha Gupta
Joint Assistant Research Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Program Coordinator, University Climate Change Coalition
Arizona Institute of Resilience (home department)
Caitlynn Hall
Joint Assistant Professor of Practice, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Assistant Professor of Practice & Director of Minor Study in Future Earth Resilience, W.A. Franke Honors College (home department)
Assistant Professor of Practice, Biosystems Engineering
Founder, Arizona Science Policy Network
Victoria Hermosilla
HAS Advisory Board Member
HAS Advisory Board Service 2024-Current
Hydrogeologist, Montgomery & Associates
Katherine K. Hirschboeck
Joint Associate Professor Emerita, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Associate Professor Emerita, Climatology, Laboratory for Tree-Ring Research
William F. Holmgren
Assistant Research Professor
Katherine L. Jacobs
Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Director, Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions (CCASS)
Professor, Environmental Science (home department)
Affiliate Professor, Institute of the Environment
Alyssa Kirk
HAS Advisory Board Member
HAS Advisory Board Service 2024-Current
Groundwater Hydrologist, Montgomery & Associates
E. Philip Krider
Professor Emeritus, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Kevin E. Lansey
Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Professor, Civil and Architectural Engineering and Mechanics (home department)
Marcus Lofverstrom
Joint Assistant Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Assistant Professor, Geosciences (home department)
Thomas Maddock III
Professor Emeritus, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Jennifer C. McIntosh
University Distinguished Scholar, Professor and Associate Head, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Professor, Geosciences
she, her, hers
Laura Meredith
Joint Assistant Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Director, Biopshere 2 Tropical Rain Forest
Assistant Professor, Ecosystem Genomics, School of Natural Resources and the Environment (home department)
Joint Assistant Professor, Biosphere 2 Institute
Joint Assistant Professor, Genetics (GIDP)
Joint Assistant Professr, Global Change (GIDP)
Peter Mock
HAS Advisory Board Member Emeritus
Has Advisory Board Service 2015-2024
Peter Mock Groundwater Consulting, Inc., Principal Scientist, Hydrologist and Environmental Scientist
Guo-Yue Niu
Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Research Professor, Biosphere 2
Marcus Nobrega Gomes, Jr.
Postdoctoral Research Associate I
Shlomo P. Neuman
Regents Professor Emeritus, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Peter Quinlan
HAS Advisory Board Emeritus and Former Chair
HAS Advisory Board Chair 2019-2024
HAS Advisory Board Member Service 2015-2024
Dudek, Inc., Retired Vice president
Marty Ralph
HAS Advisory Board Member
HAS Advisory Board Service 2015-Current
Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego, Director
Ellis Robinson
Joint Associate Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Assistant Professor, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (home department)
Lupe Romero
Administrative Associate, Department Support
Graduate Program Advisor for All Majors
Joellen L. Russell
Joint University Distinguished Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Department Head and Distinguished Professor, Geosciences (home department)
Joint Distinguished Professor, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory and Planetary Sciences
Joint Distinguished Professor, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
Joint Distinugished Professor, Global Change - GIDP
Erma Santander
Executive Assistant, Department Support
Administrative Support Manager I
Marcel G. Schaap
Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Professor, Environmental Science (home department)
Suzanne Shields
HAS Advisory Board Member
HAS Advisory Board Service 2020-Current
Pima County Regional Flood Control District, Director Emerita
Yang Song
Assistant Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Faculty, Ecosystem Genomics GIDP
Armin Sorooshian
Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Professor, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (home department)
Amber Sullins
HAS Advisory Board Vice Chair
HAS Advisory Board Vice Chair 2019-Current
HAS Advisory Board Member Service 2015-2019
Chief Meteorologist at ABC15 in Phoenix
Sylvia Sullivan
Joint Assistant Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Assistant Professor, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (home department)
Elizabeth Tellman
Joint Assistant Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Assistant Professor, School of Geography, Development, and Environment (home department)
Peter A. Troch
Professor and Department Head, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Agnese Nelms Haury Endowed Chair in Environment
Joint Professor, Civil Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Science Director, Biopshere 2
Valerie Trouet
Joint Associate Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Associate Professor, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research (home department)
Markus Tuller
(Deceased) Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Professor Emeritus, Environmental Science (home department)
Juan B. Valdes
Professor Emeritus, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Professor, Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Dale Ward
Lecturer, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, and Research Scientist, Atmospheric Physics.
Martha P.L. Whitaker
Associate Professor of Practice, Director of Graduate Studies-Hydrology programs
Undergraduate Coordinator, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
C.L. Larry Winter
Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Professor, Applied Mathematics GIDP
David F. Young
HAS Advisory Board Member
HAS Advisory Board Service 2016-Current
Deputy Director, NASA Langley Research Center
Xubin Zeng
Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Agnese Nelms Haury Endowed Chair in Environment
Director, Climate Dynamics and Hydrometeorology Center (CDHC)
Joint Professor, Global Change GIDP
Joint Professor, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis GIDP
Marek G. Zreda
Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Investigator, Center for Toxicology
Joint Associate Professor, Geosciences