
Avelino F. Arellano

Associate Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Associate Professor, GIDP Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis, GIDP Applied Mathematics
Joint Associate Professor, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
he, him, his

Victor R. Baker

Regents' Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Professor, Geosciences
Joint Professor, Planetary Sciences
Joint Professor, Global Change GIDP, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis GIDP
he, him, his

Hale Barter

HAS Advisory Board Chair
HAS Advisory Board Service 2020-Current
President and Groundwater Hydrologist, Montgomery & Associates

Ali Behrangi

University Distinguished Scholar and Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Science
Joint Professor, Civil Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Joint Professor, Geosciences
Joint Proessor, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis GIDP

Eric A. Betterton

University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Professor Emeritus, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Joint Professor Emeritus, College of Public Health
Joint Professor Emeritus, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Director Emeritus, Institute of Atmospheric Physics

Karletta Chief

Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Full Professor and Extension Specialist, Environmental Science (home department)
University Distinguished Professor, Outreach
Director, Arizona Institute of Resilience, Haury Indigenous Resilience Center (IRC)
Chair, Indigenous Food/Energy/Water Systems - Graduate Interdisciplinary Degree Program (GIDP)
Professor, American Indian Studies - GIDP
Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP
Associate Professor, Environmental Physics
Associate Professor, Public Health
she, her, hers

Xiquan Dong

Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Director, Graduate Studies-Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Professor, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis GIDP

Jeremy Dowling

HAS Advisory Board Member
HAS Advisory Board Service 2021-Current
Piteau Associates, President and Chief Hydrogeologist

Charlie Ester III

HAS Advisory Board Member
HAS Advisory Board Service 2016-Current
Salt River Project, Manager of Surface Water Resources Operation

Phillip Fitzwater

HAS Advisory Board Member Emeritus
HAS Advisory Board Service 2021-2024
Retired Senior Consultant and President of Iris Environmental

Karl Gast

HAS Advisory Board Member
HAS Advisory Board Service 2015-Current
Engineer, Raytheon

Hoshin V. Gupta

Regents' Professor, Hydrology and Atmopsheric Sciences
SRP Professor, Technology-Public Policy/Markets
Joint Professor, Global Change GIDP
Joint Professor, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis GIDP

Neha Gupta

Joint Assistant Research Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Program Coordinator, University Climate Change Coalition
Arizona Institute of Resilience (home department)

Caitlynn Hall

Joint Assistant Professor of Practice, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Assistant Professor of Practice & Director of Minor Study in Future Earth Resilience, W.A. Franke Honors College (home department)
Assistant Professor of Practice, Biosystems Engineering
Founder, Arizona Science Policy Network
she, her, hers

Katherine L. Jacobs

Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Director, Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions (CCASS)
Professor, Environmental Science (home department)
Affiliate Professor, Institute of the Environment

Jennifer C. McIntosh

University Distinguished Scholar, Professor and Associate Head, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Professor, Geosciences
she, her, hers

Laura Meredith

Joint Assistant Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Director, Biopshere 2 Tropical Rain Forest
Assistant Professor, Ecosystem Genomics, School of Natural Resources and the Environment (home department)
Joint Assistant Professor, Biosphere 2 Institute
Joint Assistant Professor, Genetics (GIDP)
Joint Assistant Professr, Global Change (GIDP)

Peter Mock

HAS Advisory Board Member Emeritus
Has Advisory Board Service 2015-2024
Peter Mock Groundwater Consulting, Inc., Principal Scientist, Hydrologist and Environmental Scientist

Peter Quinlan

HAS Advisory Board Emeritus and Former Chair
HAS Advisory Board Chair 2019-2024
HAS Advisory Board Member Service 2015-2024
Dudek, Inc., Retired Vice president

Marty Ralph

HAS Advisory Board Member
HAS Advisory Board Service 2015-Current
Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego, Director

Joellen L. Russell

Joint University Distinguished Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Department Head and Distinguished Professor, Geosciences (home department)
Joint Distinguished Professor, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory and Planetary Sciences
Joint Distinguished Professor, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
Joint Distinugished Professor, Global Change - GIDP

Suzanne Shields

HAS Advisory Board Member
HAS Advisory Board Service 2020-Current
Pima County Regional Flood Control District, Director Emerita

Amber Sullins

HAS Advisory Board Vice Chair
HAS Advisory Board Vice Chair 2019-Current
HAS Advisory Board Member Service 2015-2019
Chief Meteorologist at ABC15 in Phoenix

Peter A. Troch

Professor and Department Head, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Agnese Nelms Haury Endowed Chair in Environment
Joint Professor, Civil Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Science Director, Biopshere 2

David F. Young

HAS Advisory Board Member
HAS Advisory Board Service 2016-Current
Deputy Director, NASA Langley Research Center

Xubin Zeng

Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Agnese Nelms Haury Endowed Chair in Environment
Director, Climate Dynamics and Hydrometeorology Center (CDHC)
Joint Professor, Global Change GIDP
Joint Professor, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis GIDP