Seminars By Semester

Spring 2025

1/29Jim Yeh, UA HAS ProfessorStochastic information fusion: the future hydrogeologic sciences
2/5Grant Ferguson, 2025 Darcy LecturerLiving fossils: Ancient groundwaters in the Anthropocene
2/12Kevin Anchukaitis, UA SGDE+LTRRReconstructing Pacific atmospheric circulation using paleoclimate data assimilation
2/19Fuhar Dixit, Postdoc, University of California BerkeleyExploring novel methods of solving the world's remediation problems
2/26Bryn Stewart, Foster and Coco Stanback Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Associate, Environmental Science and Engineering, California Institute of Technology (Caltech)Streams as Mirrors: Using Critical Zone science to understand hydro-biogeochemical processes and stream water quality
3/5Caitlyn Hall, Assistant Professor of Practice and Compton Endowed Chair, University of Arizona Advancing climate resilience through community driven water and disaster science
3/7Chaopeng Shen, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Pennsylvania State UniversityState-of-the-Art AI & Physics-Informed ML in Hydrology and beyond: Insights and Synergies
3/19*No Speaker this week 
3/25El Dia del Agua y la Atmosfera, Annual Student Research Symposium2025 Theme: Research to Resilience
3/26Akif Sarikaya, Istanbul Technical University (HAS Alumnus)Hydroclimatological controls on long-term carbonate denudation in Mediterranean mountains
4/2Speaker TBATitle TBA
4/9Speaker TBATitle TBA
4/16Speaker TBATitle TBA
4/23Speaker TBATitle TBA
4/30Speaker TBATitle TBA
5/7Speaker TBATitle TBA
*University of Arizona 2025 Spring Break March 8 through March 16

Fall 2024

9/18Laura Condon, UA HAS Associate ProfessorExploring the role of groundwater in the terrestrial water cycle
10/2Jonathan Frame, University of AlabamaBeyond catchment boundaries: extending geospatial context for large-domain hydrological prediction
10/9Ellis Robinson, UA Chemical and Environmental EngineeringMapping air pollutants and high spatial resolution: community exposure assessment using mobile monitoring and fast, in situ instrumentation
10/16Jonathan Sullivan, UA Geography, Development, and EnvironmentUsing satellite-observed inundation to investigate health disparities in the aftermath of floods
10/23Hoshin Gupta, UA HAS Regents ProfessorOn machine learning "interpretable" and "generalizable" representations of dynamical geoscientific systems
10/30Kau Thirumalai, UA GeosciencesFuture increase in extreme El Niňo supported by past glacial changes
11/6Kathy Jacobs and Neha Gupta (HAS Alumna), UA Arizona Institute for Resilience (AIR)Arizona tri-university recharge and water supply reliability project: An update
11/13Yuan-Heng Wang (HAS Alumnus) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ML-enabled physically-interpretable modeling of catchment-scale precipitation-runoff dynamics using the mass-conserving-perceptron
11/20Clark Evans, NOAA GSCReal-time, high-resolution hurricane prediction with the model for prediction across scales
12/4Casey Davenport, University of North Carolina-CharlotteThe evolution of supercell thunderstorms and student understanding as a response to their environment

Spring 2024

1/17Yifan Cheng, National Center for Atmospheric ResearchTowards more actionable hydrologic modeling in Alaska and Yukon River Basin
1/24Joao Teixeira, Jet Propulsion LaboratoryTurbulence, clouds and climate Models
1/31Matt Becker, 2024 Darcy LecturerFiber optic distributed sensing as a window on subsurface flow
2/7Marek Zreda, UA Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric SciencesMeasuring stream discharge using audible sound
2/14Tyler Robinson, UA Associate Professor, Lunar and Planetary LaboratoryConnecting Earth to exo-Earths: Promises and challenges for Earth-like exoplanets
2/21Clara Deser, Senior Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric ResearchProjected changes in atmospheric circulation and precipitation variability over the North Pacific and North America in a coupled model large ensemble
2/28Peter Carter, MD, Director, Climate Emergency InstituteCan we better communicate (and mitigate) the climate emergency?
3/13Addisu Semie, Ph.D., Addis Ababa UniversityInfluence of the organization of deep convection on the radiation budget and precipitation extremes in the tropics
3/20Riley Nolan and Jesse Jankowski, State of California Water ResourcesCalifornia Water Rights Overview and 2021-2023 drought response in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley delta watershed
4/3Xiaonan Tai, Assistant Professor, New Jersey Institute of TechnologyInfluence of groundwater on forest mortality, resilience, and management
4/10Zhen Li, Postdoctoral Researcher, Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryA framework for integrating genomics, microbial traits, and ecosystem biogeochemistry
4/17Erica DiFilippo, HAS Ph.D. Alumna 2008, S.S. Papadopulos &  Associates, Inc.Polymer based PFAS as long-term source to surface water in the Alabama River System
4/24Mary Barth, Senior Scientist Section Head, National Center for Atmospheric ResearchVertical transport of aerosols and trace gases in deep convection
5/1Bo Guo, UA Assistant Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric SciencesFate and transport of PFAS in soils: controlling processes, mathematical formulation, and practical modeling approaches