Academic Committee
Work: Handles practical aspects of HAS academics, including student applications and program assessments, requests for teaching support from faculty, and TA assignments
Awards & Scholarships for Students
Work: Nomination of student awards, encompassing scholarships available to students enrolled in the HAS department and awards offered by the College of Science
Work: Assigns teaching, prioritizes course development needs, assesses course development efforts, and reviews course assessments
Development & Industrial Affiliates
Work: Promote philanthropic support for the department's research, teaching and outreach programs via Alumni, Advocacy and Corporate Relations
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Work: Recruitment and hiring, department institutional culture, external engagement with the University and local community, and education and research opportunities
El Día
Work: Advisors for El Día del Agua y la Atmósfera, the spring event showcasing student research in Schools of Earth & Environmental Sciences/COS and Natural Resources & the Environment/CALS
Executive Committee
Work: Advisors to the department head on academic, business, finance, infrastructure, and personnel matters
HAS Seminar
Work: Coordination of the department's weekly colloquium series featuring invited speakers
Promotion and Tenure Committee
Work: General promotion and tenure responsibilities, determination of equitable teaching/research loads, e.g., individual faculty members with increased emphasis on teaching vs. research or prioritizing faculty for consideration of teaching release based on unusually taxing research efforts
Space Committee
Work: Planning of new HAS space in Shantz Building, organizing and evaluating space within Harshbarger Building.
Undergraduate Degree
Work: Explore pathways for new BS degrees and proposes them to the faculty, develops learning objectives, proposes courses, and develops assessments for programs, plans, and subplans once adopted