Thomas Maddock III

Professor Emeritus, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Thomas Maddock III

JW Harshbarger Building #11, Room 316A (alternate telephone: 520-289-7972)

Emeriti Faculty Members have retired from research and/or teaching and no longer recruit students.

Experience  Research focus on hydrologic capture processes, i.e. capture processes through computer modeling (there is no direct measurement in the field):  what they are, why they are of critical interest, and how they are calculated. Has developed regional mathematical models and tools to determine capture that occurs from streambeds, evapotranspiration processes, and external inflows and outflows from regional boundaries. Water resources management and water resources systems; expert witness testimony for many legal cases in the western United States. Development of multiple packages of the U.S. Geological Survey's groundwater-flow model, MODFLOW.


  • PHD environmental engineering and applied mathematics, Harvard University