Scholarships and Financial Support

Scholarships and Financial Support

  • Graduate Assistantships and Associateships
  • Tuition Scholarships and Fellowships
  • Nominated Scholarships through College of Science
  • Scholarships through Scholarship Universe
  • Master of Science in Hydrogeology
  • Graduate College Funding Tips

Departmental Financial Support

Graduate Assistantships - Graduate Associateships

Assistantships (Masters students) and Associateships (Doctoral students) are awarded through contracts for the Academic Year (AY = fall and spring) or specific Semester (fall or spring) and must be renewed annually. Some full-time academic programs may not permit part-time work as a graduate assistant or associate. Read more...

Tuition Scholarships and Fellowship Awards

Through funding provided annually by the Graduate College and administered through the College of Science, the department provides partial tuition scholarships and partial fellowship awards for eligible students Read more...

Scholarships Nominated Through College of Science

Faculty members in the department nominate HAS students for scholarships made available through the College of Science Office of Development (not processed through Scholarship Universe). Nominations are made prior to the Academic Year in which they are disbursed. 

Daniel and Alyssa Kirk Scholarship in Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences

The Kirk Scholarship was established in 2022 to support the department's efforts to increase diversity among students majoring in the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences (HAS). Read more...

Montgomery & Associates Scholarship

The Montgomery & Associates Scholarship was established to create a scholarship in the College of Science to benefit undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Hydrology and Atmospheric Science Read more...

Scholarships Available Through Scholarship Universe

Learn about Scholarship Universe and how to use it here

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Donald R. Davis Scholarship for Undergraduate Excellence

This endowed scholarship is to support undergraduate students in good academic standing within the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences who have financial need. Read more...

Stanley N. Davis Graduate Scholarship

The Stanley N. Davis Endowment was recently established by Phil Fitzwater, alumnus of the University of Arizona Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences (HAS) Read more...

John W. and Margaret Harshbarger Fellowship

The John and Margaret Harshbarger Fellowship supports a continuing doctoral student (second year or beyond) of superior achievement whose research focuses on hydrogeology or an area within Read more...

Chester C. Kisiel Fellowship for Graduate Research on Applications of Statistics in Hydrology

The Chester C. Kisiel Fellowship for Graduate Research on Applications of Statistics in Hydrology was created to honor a founding faculty member of the Department of Hydrology and Water Resources. Read more...

E. Philip Krider Endowed Scholarship in Atmospheric Sciences and Physics

The Krider Endowed Scholarship in Atmospheric Sciences and Physics shall be awarded to UArizona students who are full-time undergraduate physics majors or Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences majors Read more...

Shlomo and Yael Neuman Hydrology Scholarship

The Shlomo and Yael Neuman Hydrology Scholarship was made possible by the generous gift from Shlomo and Yael Neuman and former members of Shlomo's research group Read more...

Sol D. Resnick Endowment for Graduate Research

The Sol Resnick Scholarship was created to support graduate students with their research programs in the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences in the College of Science Read more...

Eugene S. Simpson Prize in Groundwater Hydrology

This prize is made possible by generous gifts from family and friends to honor the late Dr. Eugene S. Simpson, Professor Emeritus and former Head, Department of Hydrology Read more...

Master of Science Program in Hydrogeology

To lower costs for students, the one-year MS in Hydrogeology at the University of Arizona has been designed to deliver high quality training and education in the shortest time possible. However, our program does not typically offer financial assistance. 

If you are a resident of the western US, you may be eligible for Arizona IN-STATE TUITION.  Look at the Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) | UArizona program guidelines to see if you qualify!

In some cases, faculty members may offer funding to very well-qualified students who are considering entering the PhD program following the MS.  You are encouraged to contact faculty directly to discuss these opportunities.

As explained in the program description, the default path is to complete an unfunded independent research project during the summer.  We expect that some students may be offered funded opportunities to extend and expand their research projects beyond the summer either with faculty or with professional partners. In general, these connections will be made during the first term of the program. 

We recognize that finding the financial resources for graduate school can be a major obstacle, especially for an in-person program. If you cannot afford to attend the University of Arizona in person to complete the MS program in Hydrogeology (on campus enrollment is required), we encourage you to:

Graduate College Funding Tips

The UArizona Graduate College website has a Funding section with information about securing financial support that includes Funding 101, a how-to guide for domestic and international students, and the Office of Fellowships, a guide for finding support outside the University of Arizona.