Hydrogeology at UArizona: A New Model* for Student-Centered Master's Education
*We are awaiting official approval of these curricular modifications.
What Makes the UArizona Master's Different?
Accelerated - Designed as a 1-year program, including completion of an in-person research project, and limited to 25 students.
Collaborative - All class members take the same courses which are taught by world-renowned members of the faculty resulting in a cohesive cohort of students (instant study group).
Project-based - All courses are project-based, giving students critical experience working with real-world data in small groups.
Fully integrated - Courses are horizontally-integrated so assignments & projects span multiple courses resulting in a coherent, well-organized experience.
Multidisciplinary - Course content combines physical and chemical hydrogeologic theory with hands-on measurement, cutting-edge analysis, and professional communication.
Professionally aligned - The curriculum was designed in conversation with practicing hydrogeologists, so students will have regular, direct contact with professionals beyond academia.
Pathway to higher education - Graduates from this program will be qualified to enter the PhD degree program in our Department.
The Tucson Lifestyle!
- If you are a resident of the western US, you may be eligible for Arizona IN-STATE TUITION. Look at the Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) | UArizona program guidelines to see if you qualify!
Details for Academic Preparation & Financial Support & Estimated Cost for Main Campus Graduate Students
Details for International Applicants | UArizona Graduate College
Learn more about the program here!
Why study hydrogeology? Because water powers life!
How to Apply
- Minimal prerequisites
- Online supplementary material available to prepare any student with an undergraduate degree in science or engineering
- While we await official approval of the one-year MS, please apply to the Non-Thesis Master of Science program following instructions here. Please list your undergraduate deficiencies, but note that the new program has no official prerequisites.
- Contact P.A. Ty Ferré, Professor & 2016 Darcy Lecturer @ tyferre@arizona.edu
- Learn more about requirements here
About the Program
- Classes begin in Fall semester with a week-long road trip through Arizona, Nevada, and California to see water in the landscape, build community, and visit groundwater professionals at work
- Five required courses are taken in Fall (part 1) and Spring (part 2) semesters: Physical Hydrogeology, Chemical Hydrogeology, Analysis Methods, Measurement Methods, and Communication
- Designed to teach fundamentals in an applied context
- Organized around month-long projects to integrate learning across the five topics
- Complete an independent research project in May
Professional Alignment
- Check back to to learn about industry-aligned projects and professional development events
- Learn more here
Printer-friendly requirements here:

Meet Your Instructors
Physical Hydrogeology
Chemical Hydrogeology
Analysis Tools
Measurement Methods
CommunicationVisiting ProfessionalsA rotation of visiting professionals will complement the permanent faculty. |