Financial Pathways MS Hydrogeology Program

Master of Science Program in Hydrogeology

To lower costs for students, the one-year MS in Hydrogeology at the University of Arizona has been designed to deliver high quality training and education in the shortest time possible. However, our program does not typically offer financial assistance.

If you are a resident of the western US, you may be eligible for Arizona IN-STATE TUITION.  Look at the Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) | UArizona program guidelines to see if you qualify.

In some cases, faculty members may offer funding to very well-qualified students who are considering entering the PhD program following the MS.  You are encouraged to contact faculty directly to discuss these opportunities.

As explained in the program description, the default path is to complete an unfunded independent research project during the summer.  We expect that some students may be offered funded opportunities to extend and expand their research projects beyond the summer either with faculty or with professional partners. In general, these connections will be made during the first term of the program. (Note: If a student extends their degree program after completing course work, they would be required to enroll for 6 units of graduate credit during each semester of financial support even though all course work for the degree had been completed.)

We recognize that finding the financial resources for graduate school can be a major obstacle, especially for an in-person program. If you cannot afford to attend the University of Arizona in person to complete the MS program in Hydrogeology (on campus enrollment is required), we encourage you to:

Graduate College Funding Tips

The UArizona Graduate College website has a Funding section with information about securing financial support that includes Funding 101, a how-to guide for domestic and international students, and the Office of Fellowships, a guide for finding support outside the University of Arizona.