Poster Presentations

Poster NumberPresenterFaculty Group/AdvisorAbstract
1Renad AlsufyaniMartha P.L. WhitakerEstimating groundwater recharge using chloride mass balance in the Umm Er Radhuma aquifer (south), Saudi Arabia
2Maria CastroPeter A. TrochProbabilistic Dam Break Flood Mapping via Monte-Carlo Simulations using a 2D Local-Inertial Model
3Mohammad FarmaniGuo-Yue Niu and Ali BehrangiImproving Streamflow Predictions in the Arid Southwestern United States Through Understanding of Baseflow Generation Mechanisms
4Jack FlaniganMartha WhitakerRecharge Feasibility of Tucson Stormwater Infrastructure
5Shujie GuoBo GuoExperimental Investigation of Salt Precipitation in a Free-Flow/Porous-Media Microfluidic System
6Thabo MakgoaleSullivan, SylviaQuantifying Precipitation Efficiency in Tropical Mesoscale Convective Systems: Insights from Global Cloud-Resolving Models and IMERGE Observations
7Sahar KarimiHsin-I ChangEnsemble-Based Risk Assessment Model of Projected Precipitation Changes in Mexico
8David DrainerAli BehrangiExploring the capability of Noah-MP LSM in predicting fractional flooded area using U-Net architecture
9Eden HarperTy FerreEmpirical Analysis and HEC-HMS Modeling of Green Stormwater Infrastructure: Stormwater Capture, Ponding, and Infiltration in Urban Tucson
10Jonathan HasenstabJennifer McIntoshDetermining the ages, sources, and connections between groundwater and surface waters in the upper Babocomari watershed
11Nabin KalauniAndrew BennettA Hybrid Differentiable Land Surface Model for Improved Land-Atmosphere Flux Predictions
12Aamir Raj LamichhaneAndrew BennettImproving snow water equivalent prediction with a hybrid SNOW17-LSTM model
13Amin MirrezaeiAvelino ArellanoInvestigating the Role of Short-Lived Halogen Chemistry and Chemical Feedback on CH₄-CO-OH Distributions Using Emission-Driven CESM/CAM-Chem Simulations
14Kayla PreislerArmin SorooshianContrasting airborne cloud water pH measurements in diverse regions: Statistics and relationships with constituents
15Min MaBo GuoEvaluating the representativeness of suction lysimeter for sampling PFAS porewater concentration in the vadose zone
16Alexa MarcovecchioXiquan Dong and Ali BehrangiHow do different meteorological forcings influence NoahMP soil moisture and turbulent fluxes?
17Lourdes Mendoza FierroChang, Hsin-IAssessing future extreme precipitation risks in northern Mexico and southwestern US
18Sadaf MoghisiAli Behrangi and Guo-Yue NiuEvaluation of Noah-MP Simulations and Development of a Functionally Equivalent Surrogate Snow Module
19Abdul Wahed NabAli Behrangi and Guo-Yue NiuAdvancing evapotranspiration estimation in Arizona: evaluating the performance of Priestley-Taylor JPL and Penman-Monteith models using flux tower observations
20Patricia PuenteLaura E CondonEvaluating the impact of spatial resolution on surface water mapping in the Colorado River Basin
21Cassidy SoloffArmin SorooshianCCN Closure Analysis for the ACTIVATE Campaign
22Steven BillingtonBrittany CiancarelliExamining the difference in gridded reanalysis of climate forcing and the meteorological station observations and its implications for land-surface fluxes simulations
23Fabiana Murrieta MercadoLori HugginsSpringtime Intraspecies Synchronicity of Open Flowers for Desert Willow, Blue Palo Verde, Velvet Mesquite, and Creosote Bush in Tucson, Arizona
24Dominic SelfTy FerreSensitivity Analysis of Tucson MODFLOW Models
25Kyle SkodaMartha WhitakerHow does the leaf out of deep rooting phreatophyte, Populus deltoides, respond to variations in groundwater levels?
26Danielle TadychLaura CondonShifting Connections between Shallow Groundwater and Surface Water Across Arizona: Implications for Stream Vulnerability
27Brian ThompsonJennifer MacintoshEstablishing a baseline and tracking changes in water quality & chemistry prior to large-scale mining activities in a desert watershed
28Hossein Yousefi SohiAli Behrangi, Guo-Yue NiuStochastic-Deterministic Fusion: A Generative Downscaling Framework for High-Resolution Atmospheric Forecasting and Hydrologic Applications
29Jordann BrendeckeXiquan DongAnalysis of CCCma radiative transfer calculations for low level overcast clouds over ENA and SGP
30Anik DasXiquan DongAnalyzing the Underestimation of Low Clouds in Satellite Observations Over the Southern Ocean
31Marcy NadelMark BrusseauCharacterization and modeling of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) leaching in a vadosezone source area