Related Abstracts & Publications
Ali Behrangi
University Distinguished Scholar and Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Science
Joint Professor, Civil Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Joint Professor, Geosciences
Joint Proessor, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis GIDP
Richard A. Bennett
Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Adjunct Professor, Geosciences (home department)
Hsin-I Chang
Assistant Research Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Director, Center for Applied Hydroclimate Sciences
Karletta Chief
Joint Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Full Professor and Extension Specialist, Environmental Science (home department)
University Distinguished Professor, Outreach
Director, Arizona Institute of Resilience, Haury Indigenous Resilience Center (IRC)
Chair, Indigenous Food/Energy/Water Systems - Graduate Interdisciplinary Degree Program (GIDP)
Professor, American Indian Studies - GIDP
Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP
Associate Professor, Environmental Physics
Associate Professor, Public Health
P.A. Ty Ferré
University Distinguished Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Professor, Environmental Science-Ext.
Hoshin V. Gupta
Regents' Professor, Hydrology and Atmopsheric Sciences
SRP Professor, Technology-Public Policy/Markets
Joint Professor, Global Change GIDP
Joint Professor, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis GIDP
Katherine K. Hirschboeck
Joint Associate Professor Emerita, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Associate Professor Emerita, Climatology, Laboratory for Tree-Ring Research
Marcus Lofverstrom
Joint Assistant Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Assistant Professor, Geosciences (home department)
Jennifer C. McIntosh
University Distinguished Scholar, Professor and Associate Head, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Professor, Geosciences
she, her, hers
Guo-Yue Niu
Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Research Professor, Biosphere 2
Joellen L. Russell
Joint University Distinguished Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Department Head and Distinguished Professor, Geosciences (home department)
Joint Distinguished Professor, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory and Planetary Sciences
Joint Distinguished Professor, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
Joint Distinugished Professor, Global Change - GIDP
Yang Song
Assistant Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Faculty, Ecosystem Genomics GIDP
Elizabeth Tellman
Joint Assistant Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Assistant Professor, School of Geography, Development, and Environment (home department)
Xubin Zeng
Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Agnese Nelms Haury Endowed Chair in Environment
Director, Climate Dynamics and Hydrometeorology Center (CDHC)
Joint Professor, Global Change GIDP
Joint Professor, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis GIDP
Marek G. Zreda
Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Investigator, Center for Toxicology
Joint Associate Professor, Geosciences