Related Abstracts & Publications
Avelino F. Arellano
Associate Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Associate Professor, GIDP Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis, GIDP Applied Mathematics
Joint Associate Professor, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
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Hoshin V. Gupta
Regents' Professor, Hydrology and Atmopsheric Sciences
SRP Professor, Technology-Public Policy/Markets
Joint Professor, Global Change GIDP
Joint Professor, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis GIDP
Marcus Lofverstrom
Joint Assistant Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Assistant Professor, Geosciences (home department)
Guo-Yue Niu
Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Research Professor, Biosphere 2
Joellen L. Russell
Joint University Distinguished Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Department Head and Distinguished Professor, Geosciences (home department)
Joint Distinguished Professor, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory and Planetary Sciences
Joint Distinguished Professor, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
Joint Distinugished Professor, Global Change - GIDP
Yang Song
Assistant Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Faculty, Ecosystem Genomics GIDP
C.L. Larry Winter
Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Joint Professor, Applied Mathematics GIDP
Xubin Zeng
Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Agnese Nelms Haury Endowed Chair in Environment
Director, Climate Dynamics and Hydrometeorology Center (CDHC)
Joint Professor, Global Change GIDP
Joint Professor, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis GIDP