HAS Student Sabrina Wilson Wins Prestigious Universities Research Association (URA) Sandia Summer Graduate Fellowship

March 28, 2023

Read more about the URA Sandia Summer Graduate Fellowship: https://ura-hq.org/fellowships-awards/sandia-summer-graduate-fellowship/

Sabrina Wilson

Congratulations to Sabrina Wilson, HAS MS student working with Dr. Yang Song, on winning a Universities Research Association (URA) Sandia National Laboratory Summer Graduate Fellowship! Sabrina will be working at the R&D program, Earth Science Research Foundation (EaSRF), at Sandia’s Livermore, California, site.

Sabrina is a UArizona NSF NRT BRIDGES Fellow and received her undergraduate degrees in Chemistry and Astrophysics from Northern Arizona University. Her research interests include land-climate feedback and human-ecosystem interactions, focusing on microbially mediated carbon sequestration. Her current research is focused on understanding how biochar amendment to soil can affect microbial soil organic matter cycling, carbon sequestration, and greenhouse gas emission via the Community Land Model (CLM5.0).
During her summer fellowship with Sandia National Laboratory, she will validate her biochar-incorporated CLM5.0 model across heterogeneous ecosystems using a surrogate model-based parameter optimization by integrating carbon emission, N2O emission, soil organic matter content, and carbon to nitrogen ratio data points across the United States.
Congratulations, Sabrina, and have a great summer!
