HASSA Annual Spring Picnic and Awards Ceremony

April 29, 2019
Picnic Party Time

HAS students, faculty, and staff--more than 100 of you!--gathered for the HASSA Spring Picnic and Awards Ceremony this past Saturday, April 27, at the riparian end of Fort Lowell Park. Thank you, organizers, for anticipating the 95+ degree weather and reserving the prime "pond-side" ramada among all the shade trees! NOTE: See the HAS facebook page for a full gallery of photos!

After consuming some great food, HASSA presented the annual faculty and staff awards as selected by the entire undergraduate and graduate student body. The 2019 trophies were presented to (drumroll):

Storm now belongs to Brittany Ciancarelli

Captain Planet now belongs to Larry Winter

Aquaman now belongs to Hoshin Gupta

Atlas now belongs to Sarah Warren

The students also presented a generous "Thank You" gift card to Terrie Thompson for her dedication to providing snacks for students.

Department Head Eric Betterton and Associate Department Head Tom Meixner were also on hand to make some big announcements for students--the Academic Year Endowed Scholarship Awards! Students will receive their awards during the forthcoming Academic Year 2019-2020:

  • Liling Chang - Chester C. Kisiel Fellowship for Graduate Research on Application of Statistics in Hydrology
  • Sidian Chen - Shlomo and Yael Neuman Scholarship in Quantitative Hydrology
  • Melissa Clutter - John W. Harshbarger Doctoral Fellowship in Subsurface Hydrology
  • Matthew Ford - Donald R. Davis Scholarship Endowment for Undergraduate Excellence
  • Tao Liu - Sol D. Resnick Scholarship for Graduate Research in Statistical Hydrology and Water Resources
  • Alexa Marcovecchio - E. Philip Krider Endowed Scholarship in Atmospheric Sciences

For those who missed the picnic on Saturday, we look forward to seeing you next year for this annual event!

A huge Thank You to the current HASSA officers and all student volunteers who worked so hard to make the event such a success! You did an amazing job!