HAS Professor Jim Yeh Wins Taiwan Society of Groundwater Resources and Hydrogeology Lifetime Achievement Award

Our warmest congratulations go to HAS Professor Jim T.-C. Yeh on his recent lifetime achievement award!
The Taiwan Society of Groundwater Resources and Hydrogeology bestowed their 2024 Award for Outstanding Contributions to the field of groundwater and hydrogeology to him on September 2, 2024. The award was made for Yeh's "exceptional contributions to groundwater and hydrogeology research."
Citation: "Over the past decades, Prof. Yeh has made significant advancements in groundwater studies through his pioneering research on: 1) the moisture-dependent anisotropy of unsaturated geologic media, 2) identifying the limitations of traditional aquifer test analysis in field aquifers, 3) developing hydraulic tomography techniques to "CAT scan" aquifers for heterogeneities, 4) utilizing river-stage variations and lightning strikes to "CAT scan" groundwater basins, and 5) authoring seminal books on flow through heterogeneous aquifers and solute transport in heterogeneous geologic media. His work has been extensively recognized, with 11,992 citations, an h-index of 57, and an i10-index of 170. Yeh’s innovative contributions have substantially advanced our understanding of subsurface sciences, making him a highly deserving recipient of this award. We believe this award will inspire more young academics to follow Prof. Yeh’s path and advance our groundwater research."
Well done, Jim!