First Virtual El Dia A Huge Success!

April 21, 2020
Water Glass in Sky with Clouds

Congratulations to the HASSA Student Association and EDAA Planning Committee members for organizing the very first virtual El Día del Agua y la Atmósfera!

From the heavily attended morning Career Panel to the afternoon marathon Q & A Sessions for oral and poster presenters, it was an amazing day! Attendees were unanimous in their praise of the event's organization and the quality of presentations.

Thank you to our wonderful sponsors who made this year's event the most highly awarded HAS student conference to date. Kudos to the winners!


Montgomery Prize

Best Oral Presentation in Hydrology


Garrett Rapp

Hargis Awards

Best Poster Presentations
$1,000 & $400


Sheila Solis-Arroyo & Alyssa Kirk

Ben Herman Award

Best Oral Presentation in Atmospheric Sciences


Genevieve Rose Lorenzo

HAS Awards of Excellence

Best Oral & Poster Presentations
$400 each


Jihyun Kim & Amanda Triplett

Donald R. Davis Endowment

Undergraduate Distinction Award


Jacob Ridlinghafer

Eugene S. Simpson Endowment

Undergraduate Award


Rachel Spinti

Arizona Hydrological Society, Tucson Water, 

Michael Block, and Michael Carpenter
Best Virtual Poster Award


William Duy
Pima County Flood Control District
Pima County
Best Virtual Oral Award

Alexa Marcovecchio

Salt River Project

Best Virtual Oral Award


Sean Schrag-Toso

Peter Mock Groundwater Consulting, Inc.

Stanley N. Davis Best Poster Award

Jen Steyaert

Matrix New World Engineering

Best Virtual Oral Award


Chloe Fandel


Best Virtual Poster Award

Madeleine Holland

Geosystems Analysis, Inc.

Best Virtual Poster Award


Sidian Chen
Pima County Environmental Quality
Best Virtual Oral & Poster Awards
$200 each


Mostafa Javadian & Breanna Clabourne