2023 Hurricane Season Forecast by Kyle Davis and Xubin Zeng
Wikipedia Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Atlantic_hurricane_season

Image Credit: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
For their April forecast, HAS Atmospheric Scientists Kyle Davis and Xubin Zeng predict an active season over the North Atlantic. Tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are forecast to be the highest since 2010 and even hotter than 2020, and for the Nino 3.4 region, forecast SSTs are among the highest. The high Nino SSTs should help bring down hurricane activities. It will be an interesting battle between the two sides this summer.
Their predictions include 9 hurricanes, including 5 major hurricanes, 19 named storms, and 163 ACEs (accumulated cyclone energy) defined as the sum of the squares of the 6-hourly windspeeds in knots above tropical storm strength.
Davis and Zeng will update their prediction in early June. Read the full report, Forecast for the 2023 Hurricane Season over the North Atlantic, here.
Read about seasonal forecasting, systems, storm names, and seasonal effects at their Wikipedia website here.