Pima County Environmental Quality Oral Award

Best oral presentation in area of scientific interest to donor (excluding the Montgomery Prize and HAS Award of Excellence): Certificate and award of $500

The inaugural award was made in 2020.

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2024, no student award - The Donor was a Major Event Sponsor for 2024.

2023, Dalia Portillo

  • A lens into the past: Using HEC-RAS to visualize probable paleoflood conditions in Osuga Valles, Mars

2022, Camilo Salcedo

  • Near-optimal selection of multiconfirmatory sampling locations in water distribution systems

2021, Reza Ehsani 

  • Assessment of very high-resolution radiometer (AVHRR) for snowfall retrieval in high latitudes using CloudSat and machine learning

2020, Mostafa Javadian

  • Drought effect on dust storm severity and predictability