Time | Presenter | Faculty Group/Advisor | Abstract |
10:00 | Keming Pan | Arellano, Ave | Assimilation of planetary boundary layer height measurements with multi-physics using an ensemble Kalman filter during the PECAN field campaign |
10:15 | Omid Zandi | Behrangi, Ali | UofA-HIPAA V1: University of Arizona High Latitude Infrared-based Precipitation retrieval Algorithm using AVHRR sensor Version 1 |
10:30 | Aldo Tapia | Bennett, Andrew | From 1-Year to 3-Year Inputs: How Extended Data Sequences Impact Data-Driven Model Performance in Streamflow Prediction |
10:45 | Xiang Zhong | Dong, Xiquan | A partitioning method for deriving VIS and NIR fluxes from SW observations under clear-sky conditions |
Time | Presenter | Faculty Group/Advisor | Abstract |
13:00 | Nathan Strom | Ferre, Ty | Assessing groundwater recharge feasibility across soil textures and environmental factors using a Python-integrated HYDRUS-1D workflow |
13:15 | Jianwen Du | Guo, Bo | Quantifying the impact of CO2 transport and transient hydrological flow on basalt weathering at the Biosphere 2 Landscape Evolution Observatory |
13:30 | Tong Guo | McIntosh, Jennifer | Fluid-Rock Reactions and Hydrologic Drivers of Iron Cycling in Former Redbed Sandstones |
13:45 | Muhammad Jawad | Niu, Guo-Yue | Improved Evapotranspiration Estimation using the Penman-Monteith Equation with a Deep Learning (DNN) Model over the Dry Southwestern US: Comparison with ECOSTRESS, MODIS, and OpenET |
Time | Presenter | Faculty Group/Advisor | Abstract |
15:00 | Sabrina Wilson | Song, Yang | Parameterizing biochar effect on climate-smart agriculture using artificial intelligence and land surface model |
15:15 | Taiwo Ajayi | Sorooshian, Armin | An Examination of the Weekly Periodicity of Surface Ozone Concentrations in Tucson, Arizona |
15:30 | Annalisa Minke | Whitaker, Martha | A statistical analysis of applying Haar wavelets to predict planetary boundary layer decoupling |
15:45 | James Lende | Zeng, Xubin | Land model sensitivity to leaf area index in CESM2 and E3SM |