AGU 2023 Session to Honor Thomas Meixner

Aug. 1, 2023
AGU 2023 Annual Meeting Banner

Image Credit: American Geophysical Union 2023

Please consider submitting an abstract for a very special session at this year's American Geophysical Union annual fall meeting (11-15 December 2023), session B048: "Making the world better through Biogeochemistry."  This is an everything under the sun type of session and a celebration of the science Tom Meixner found so engaging.

"This year’s AGU theme of Wide. Open. Science. is a perfect reflection of Thomas Meixner: he was the ultimate collaborative scientist that understood the value of stakeholder engagement and the importance of disseminating research outcomes to a wide audience. Tom's research interests laid at the intersection between hydrology and biogeochemistry and focused on how hydrologic processes control biogeochemical responses at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. This session invites submissions of work aligned with or inspired by Tom Meixner’s research, including arid and semi-arid lands hydrology and biogeochemistry, impacts of climate change on groundwater recharge, coupled human-natural systems science, rainwater harvesting and urban hydrology, stream hydrochemistry, and biogeochemical modeling. Presentations that demonstrate connections between these research themes, opportunities for student education, and application in the real world are especially welcome."

Question? Please feel free to contact Primary Convener, Erika Gallo at:

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Erika Gallo