Bo Guo Research on PFAS "Just the Tip of the Iceberg"

Feb. 20, 2020
Bo Guo

Congratulations to HAS Assistant Professor Bo Guo whose ongoing research on PFAS in groundwater, Chemicals in Soils are 'Ticking Time Bomb,' was reported in a news article by, on February 11.

A growing health crisis fueled by synthetic chemicals known as per- and polyfuoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, in groundwater has garnered much attention in the past few years. To understand how the chemicals migrate through the soil between the land surface and groundwater (vadose zone), Guo and his collaborators developed a novel mathematical model to simulate the different complex processes that affect the transport and retention of these chemicals. Guo advised that "the reported levels could be just the tip of the iceberg, as most of the chemicals are still migrating down slowly through the soil." Guo and co-authors Mark Brusseu, HAS Joint Professor (UA Department of Environmental Science), and Jicai Zeng, HAS Postdoctoral Researcher, recently had their findings published in the journal Water Resources Research.

Congratulations, Bo!