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*This notation added Spring 2023.
The UA's Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences now offers the nation's first graduate degree program (MS, PHD), with a major in Hydrometeorology. The terrestrial water cycle includes both the atmospheric component--water vapor, clouds, and precipitation--and the land component--surface and subsurface runoff, infiltration, evapotranspiration, snowmelt, river flow--which play a major role in the weather and climate and strongly affects human activities.
Historically, the science of hydrology has focused on land-related processes and has relied on prescribed atmospheric inputs, generally from observations or atmospheric model outputs, or through empirical estimates derived from conventional meteorological measurements. In contrast, while the atmospheric sciences generate hydrologically-relevant forecasts, they tend to avoid dealing with the details of processes influencing feedbacks generated by the land surface. In establishing a firm linkage between the two, the program asks the following questions:
- What is the science involved with the interface of water in the atmosphere and water on the ground?
- What are the ramifications for predictive capabilities when these processes are incorporated into coupled numerical weather and climate models?
- What are the new applications in water quality, and how are water quality issues linked to precipitation and related runoff issues?
- How is the full understanding of the hydrologic cycle from "white water" to "blue water"--from precipitation to streams to oceans to water vapor to precipitation--related to the advancements in prediction and related societal benefits that link back to the water quality issue?
The purpose of the program is to:
- Educate students by providing them with (1) a well-rounded background in the fields of atmospheric, hydrologic, and systems sciences, (2) the tools and methods for numerical modeling, prediction, and data assimilation (surface hydrology, weather and climate), and (3) the sensors, data sources, and data manipulation tools, including remote-sensing and geographic information systems (GIS)
- Partner with various national and international weather and climate forecasting agencies to identify critical hydrometeorological knowledge gaps, to support, encourage, and facilitate research in multidisciplinary hydrometeorological science, and to work towards improved forecasts and forecast support, particularly over arid and semiarid regions such as the Western US
- Serve the hydrometeorological science and operational communities by coordinating meetings and workshops seeking to build consensus related to hydrometeorological science and to assist in the transfer of advances in understanding into the decision-making arena
See the MS Hydrometeorology Handbook for full details.
Apply at the Graduate College website: Click on the Apply Now button for the Program of Study "Hydrometeorology (MS)." This is an electronic application process (paper applications not accepted). You will be required to upload a variety of documents, including:
- All Applicants:
- Scanned copies of original transcripts (do not send original transcripts with official seal and signature until after you are accepted into the program)
- Three (3) letters of recommendation (submit online)
- Resume or curriculum vitae
- Statement of research interests
- (GRE-ONLY WAIVED FOR AY2023-2024) Report of GRE scores (minimum Quantitative 157, Written 4.5)
- International Applicants Only:
- Scanned copies of TOEFL Report of Scores (minimum 550 or 9, minimum IELTS 7)
GRE Institution Code for The University of Arizona: 4832
ETS Major Field Codes for Hydrometeorology MS: You won't need a code, as all GRE scores reported to the University of Arizona are accessible by all departments.
Admissions deadlines:
- Domestic Applicants: February 1 for Fall Semester
- International Applicants: January 1 for Fall Semester
The department attempts to support all students as research or teaching assistants. Research assistantships may be arranged with individual faculty members. Other funding opportunities may be available from the Graduate College (see the Gradute College Financial Resources website).
Degree Program
- 1 year college chemistry sequence
- 1 year college physics sequence
- 1 course in fluid mechanics or aerodynamics
- 1 course in calculus-based statistics for physical sciences or engineering
- Math courses: calculus 1, calculus 2, vector calculus, introductory differential equations
The degree requires a minimum of 33 graduate units. See the MS Hydrometeorology Handbook for full details. Requirements include but are not limited to:
Fundamentals in Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences (complete all 4 courses)
- ATMO 541A Dynamic Meteorology (3 units)
- ATMO 551A Physical Meteorology (3 units)
- HWRS 519 Fundamentals of Surface Water Hydrology (3 units)
- HWRS 524 Hydroclimatology (3 units)
Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction (select 6 units total from this category)
- ATMO 558 Mesoscale Meteorological Modeling (3 units)
- ATMO 579 Boundary Layer Meteorology (3 units)
- ATMO 551B Dynamic Meteorology (3 units)
- ATMO 570/571 Synoptic Meteorology (3 units
Systems Science and Methods (select 6 units total from this category)
- HWRS 528 Fundamentals: Systems Approach to Hydrologic Modeling (3 units)
- ATMO 545 Introduction to Data Assimilation (3 units)
Data Sciences (select 6 units total from this category)
- ARL 590 Remote Sensing for the Study of Planet Earth (3 units)
- ATMO 529 Objective Analysis in Atmospheric and Related Sciences (3 units)
- HWRS 513A Field Methods (2 units) & HWRS 513B Field Synthesis (1 unit) --- 3 units total
- CE 528 Numerical Methods in Hydraulics (3 units)
*If the elective course is not offered in a particular semester (e.g., when an instructor is on sabbatical leave), the student may take an alternative related course if preapproved by his/her Advisor.
You must enroll for ATMO or HWRS 910 Thesis (minimum of 3 units, maximum 4 units).
Other requirements include:
- Master's-level research project that results in publication (preferred) or a master's thesis document
- Final oral examination defending the research publication or thesis
- Members of the faculty committee for the final oral examination must include the student's primary faculty advisor, one core faculty member representing Hydrology and Water Resources, and one core faculty member representing Atmospheric Sciences
Be aware of the Graduate College's Steps to Your Degree requirements timeline when planning your program. The Graduate College's electronic degree audit system includes the following GradPath forms which are required for all Master of Science degree candidates:
- Responsible Conduct of Research Form
- Evaluation of Transfer Credit
- Only if using external transfer courses
- Master's/Specialist Plan of Study
- Master's/Specialist Committee Appointment Form
- Required for every Master's/Specialist student whether or not that student has a committee
- Master's/Specialist Completion Confirmation Form
- Submitted by department graduate coordinator on behalf of student to initiate final Graduate College degree audit
- Submission of Thesis Manuscript for Archiving
- Required if student completes a thesis
- Exit Survey
Learning Outcomes
Refer to the Assessment section for learning outcomes and measures.