HASSA Speaker Series: Rob Mayeda, UArizona Alum and Broadcast Meteorologist, NBC Bay Area

HASSA Speaker Series Rob Mayeda


2:30 to 3:30 p.m., Sept. 19, 2023


HASSA would like to welcome Rob Mayeda to the continuation of our HASSA Speaker Series on Tuesday, September 19, 2:30PM to 3:30PM, on zoom. 

Rob Mayeda is a Broadcast Meteorologist for NBC Bay Area, and is an alumni of the University of Arizona. He received his Bachelor's in Journalism and English from the University of Arizona, and received his Masters of Science in Geosciences at Mississippi State University. Rob will discuss what his responsibilities are as a Broadcast Meteorologist as well as discuss the importance of communication and media skills for students interested in a Broadcast Meteorology career. 
We highly encourage students, staff, and faculty to attend, especially any students who are interested in Broadcast Meteorology as a potential career! For those of you who cannot attend, this meeting will be recorded. The structure of this talk will be 20-25 minutes of a presentation from Rob with the remainder of the time for questions/discussion. Hope to see you all there!


HASSA, UArizona's HAS Student Association