The CMWR Conference was created in 1976 and has since been held biennially alternating between locations in North America and Europe. CMWR is dedicated to nurturing and promoting cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on quantitative forecasting of hydrological processes, with a special emphasis on mathematical, computational, statistical, and machine learning methods.
We are excited to bring the 25th edition to Tucson, and we look forward to engaging researchers across campus to help promote CMWR 2024 and showcase cutting-edge research in computational water resources taking place at the University of Arizona. See more information at the conference website and the attached flyer below.
Abstract submission opens Feb 24, 2024 - Registration opens May 20, 2024 -- Other Important Deadlines
Bo Guo, University of Arizona
University of Arizona
Bo Guo (Chair), Laura Condon, Ty Ferré, Hoshin Gupta, Beth Tellman, Peter Troch
Adam Szymkiewicz (Gdańsk University of Technology)
Daniel Tartakovsky* (Stanford University)
Jean-Raynald de Dreuzy (University of Rennes)
*HAS Alumnus