Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

  • Alumni: Your department connection
  • HASSA: The HAS Student Association
  • Campus Networks
  • Professional Organizations: The Student Membership Pipeline 
Where to start? 

With your department! HAS faculty and staff are a great source for leads on internship and employment opportunities (pay attention to your email listservs). They're the people who stay in touch with our alumni, and our alums are always looking for HAS students! 

HASSA, the department's student association, hosts career- and skills-related sessions throughout the semester (watch your email and check the Calendar). There are multiple networking and mentorship opportunities on campus: The Wildcat Mentor Society, a more formalized mentoring program with mentee-mentor pairings based on career interests and compatibility, and the Bear Down Network, an online database similar to LinkedIn but exclusive to UA Wildcats that connects graduates through job listings, meet-ups, casual mentorship, and internships.

Student members of professional organizations, such as the Arizona Hydrological Society, American Geophysical Union, American Meteorological Association, and the AZ Water Association often have a pipeline for summer internships and employment pathways.  

Looking for summer internships, fellowships, or job opportunities? Here are some other great sources: