Eyad Atallah

Office Hours Drop Ins Mon and Wed 1:30-3:00 PM MST via Zoom or by appointment: eyadatallah@arizona.edu
Expertise Synoptic dynamic meteorology. Eyad has been a life-long weather enthusiast with a varied background, including operational forecasting, television, as well as academia. He specializes in the synoptic analysis of extreme weather events and climate change with over 300 peer-reviewed publications on extra-tropical transition, extreme precipitation events, droughts in western North America, and the impacts of climate change on temperature regimes over North America. He has taught several classes ranging from large introductory survey classes to specialized graduate classes in topics including climate change, operational forecasting, and synoptic and mesoscale dynamics. In 2015, he received the McGill University Principal's Prize for excellence in teaching in the category of faculty lecturer. In 2012, he was selected as the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society's tour speaker. In the winter of 2011-2012, he led an outreach mission to aboriginal communities in northern Canada, consulting with community elders and students as the expected outcomes of climate change and helped lead discussions on adaptation and mitigation strategies. He is also an intermittent tornado-chaser and has participated in about 10 tornado chases, including leading two storm-chasing field courses.
- PHD atmospheric science (2003) from the University at Albany, State University of New York