2 – 3 p.m., May 10, 2023
Bryant Bannister Tree Ring Lab, Room 110
Speaker: Dr. Mary Barth, Senior Scientist, NCAR
Abstract In this presentation, an overview will be given of both SIMA and MUSICA. SIMA is a unified community atmospheric modeling framework for use in CESM and potentially other Earth System models. SIMA is enabling diverse configurations of an atmosphere model inside of an ESM for applications spanning minutes to centuries and cloud to global scales, including atmospheric forecasts and projections of the atmospheric state and composition from the surface into the thermosphere. An important SIMA goal is to enhance atmospheric and earth-system modeling for frontier-science problems at the intersections of the weather, climate, chemistry, and geospace communities. Like SIMA, the MUSICA project is building the next generation community infrastructure for research on atmospheric chemistry and aerosols. Its capability to unify various spatio-temporal scales, couple to other Earth System components, and have process-level modularization will allow advances on topics ranging from fundamental atmospheric chemistry research to air quality to climate and couplings between ecosystems. This talk will present the state of each of these efforts, show some examples of recent results, and provide information on the next steps for both SIMA and MUSICA development.
Bio Dr. Mary Barth received her B.S. in Chemical Engineering (University of Colorado) in 1985 and Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences (University of Washington) in 1991. She is a Senior Scientist in NCAR's Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling (ACOM) Laboratory and Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology (MMM) Laboratory. She heads the Multiscale Model Development Cross Cutting Group in ACOM and is deputy head of the MMM Weather Modeling and Research section.
Learn more about Dr. Mary Barth's research: https://staff.ucar.edu/users/barthm