Measures: Master of Science Atmospheric Sciences


Students are assessed through a variety of direct and indirect activities throughout their studies.

Outcome 1: Demonstrate competence in the fundamental area of dynamic meterology

  • Pass Master's core and elective courses in this fundamental area

Outcome 2: Demonstrate competence in the fundamental area of physical meteorology

  • Pass Master's core and elective courses in this fundamental area

Outcome 3: Demonstrate competence in one or more sub-disciplinary focal areas, such as atmospheric chemistry and aerosols, climate and climate change, lightning and atmospheric electricity, radiation and remote sensing, tropical meteorology and tropical cyclones, data assimilation, weather analysis and forecasting

  • Pass Master's elective courses in selected focal areas
  • Pass a supplementary written and oral examination, if required (typically for PHD-level)

Outcome 4: Demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing

  • Attend research group meetings
  • Presentation at El Día del Agua y la Atmósfera, the annual student research symposium (oral or poster presentation)
  • Presentation at regional, national, or international meeting (oral or poster presentation)
  • Complete a paper on original research suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal
  • Complete an exit survey

Outcome 5: Demonstrate professional competency with one or more research tools used in the atmospheric sciences, such as data analysis, visualization software, and scientific computer programming

  • Complete an original, faculty-directed research project using appropriate tools as prescribed by research topic

Related: Outcomes Master of Science Atmospheric Sciences, (All) Assessment