Image When 5 – 6 p.m., March 4, 2025 Where Harshbarger 110 Our March General Meeting is Tuesday, March 4, at 5PM in Harsh 110. Please join us for food, club updates, and games. In fact, a few of our officers will be bringing some board games to play, so you all are welcome to bring your own board games to play as well! Please see the flyer above for additional information. We hope to see you all there! Cheers, HASSA OfficersJessica Meyer | President/Co-presidentTyler Maio | Vice President/Co-PresidentEden Harper | TreasurerAnder Ortiz | Outreach ChairBrandolyn Baeza | Social ChairJack Flanigan | Undergraduate RepresentativeNatalie Yurek | Secretary HASSA Website: HASSA Meeting