Congratulations to Hoshin Gupta, Ranked 19th in the ScholarGPA Highly Ranked Scholars List

Sept. 18, 2024
HAS Regents Professor Hoshin Gupta

Congratulations to HAS Professor Hoshin Gupta, recently ranked #19 in the ScholarGPS™ Most Highly Ranked Scholars list for the field of Water Resources!

(From ScholarGPS™) "Highly Ranked Scholars™ are the most productive (number of publications) authors whose works are of profound impact (citations) and of utmost quality (h-index). Enabled by the generation of over 30 million detailed scholar profiles based on unique ScholarGPS™ classification of over 200 million scholarly publications of record into one of over 350,000 distinct Specialties, 177 Disciplines, and 14 Fields, Highly Ranked Scholars™ are, for the first time, identified within each Specialty, Discipline, Field, and all Fields."

"Highly Ranked Scholars™ are those with ScholarGPS™ Ranks of 0.05% or better. The data used to identify the ScholarGPS™ Highly Ranked Scholars™ are based on lifetime or prior five-year activity, weighting each publication and citation by the number of authors, and excluding self-citations. All scholars…including inactive, deceased, and retired scholars…are included."

Read more about Gupta's ranking on the list, including publication count, predicted citations, and predicted h-index, on his Most Highly Ranked Scholars profile page.

Our warmest congratulations, Hoshin!


Hoshin Gupta