Congralations to Our Endowed Scholarship Recipients for AY2022-2023

Oct. 11, 2022
Scholarship Green Chalk Board Equations and Books

Amidst all our grieving, I know Dr. Tom Meixner was proud of our student scholarship recipients (and each one of you). Individual students were notified this summer, but we never made a department wide announcement and don't want to delay any further. Please congratulate these students as you see them in person or on Zoom. We are proud of all of you. Stay tuned for HAS 2023-2024 Scholarship application opportunities this winter. -- Jen M & Eyad A


Congratulations to the AY2022-2023 Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences Endowed Scholarship Recipients!  

We are proud to announce that $66,466 were distributed to our students through the gracious support by donors of the seven scholarships within the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences.  

In reviewing all of the superb applications, the department was impressed by the caliber, talent, and commitment of our students.  Congratulations to these recipients on their academic achievements. 

For more information regarding the application process, please see the Hydrology & Atmospheric Sciences Scholarship Opportunities on the HAS website. 

Donald R. Davis Scholarship Endowment for Undergraduate Excellence 

Dallin Cook 

Maya Gallimore 

Marleigh Nicholas 

Dylan Simpson 

John W. Harshbarger Memorial Endowment 

Sidian Chen 

Miguel Hilariio 

Chandler Noyes 

Yuan Heng Wang 

Kisiel Fellowship for Graduate Research on Applications of Statistics in Hydrology 

Abigail Kahler 

Amanda Triplett 

Krider Endowed Scholarship in Atmospheric Sciences 

Gabriel Weible 

Jessica Zhang 

Shlomo and Yael Neuman Hydrology Endowment 

Wenqian Zhang 

Sol D. Resnick Scholarship for Graduate Research Programs in Hydrology 

Reza Ehsani 

Xueyan Zhang 

Eugene S. Simpson Prize in Groundwater Hydrology 

Justin Headley 


Jennifer McIntosh