Tuition Scholarships and Fellowship Awards

Through funding provided annually by the Graduate College and administered through the College of Science, the department provides partial tuition scholarships--typical range $1,000-2,500--and partial fellowship awards--typical range $500-$1,000--for eligible students (official majors) currently enrolled in the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences. The minimum award is typically valued at $500; no specific amounts are guaranteed from semester to semester or year to year. 

When the call for applications is made, the department will provide a simple application form for students to complete.


The application deadline for tuition scholarships and fellowship awards is generally late summer (date announced in advance) for the forthcoming academic year for awards that must be posted to students' Bursar accounts before the Fall Semester's first day of classes. 

If additional funds are available for the Spring Semester, a second call for applications will occur near the end of the Fall Semester.


Tuition scholarships may only be applied to a student's Bursar account during the major semesters of Fall and Spring. Awards cannot be made for Summer Session (mid-May through mid-August) or Winter Session (mid-December through mid-January).


The department's Academic and Graduate Program Coordinator will notify students if and when funds become available and will extend a call for applications. This is an internal departmental process. Applications are not submitted through Scholarship Universe. It is important to note:

  • The department does not have funding to provide a full fellowship/stipend to cover the cost of living or a full 100% tuition scholarship to cover both the resident and non-resident fees.
  • Please do not request a full maximum-value award (e.g., $15,000 for both resident and non-resident tuition fees), or you increase your risk of receiving no award.
  • If you will receive financial aid through the Office of Student Financial Aid (e.g., subsidized loans), please provide information on the form when describing all sources of funding.


Tuition scholarships will be applied only to 1) resident (in-state) or 2) non-resident (out-of-state) fees on the student's Bursar account. 

Fellowship funds may be used to pay mandatory miscellaneous fees, a student health insurance premium, special course fees for lab or field courses, or similar charges on the student's bursar account. Students may also request fellowship funds for attending conferences (e.g., costs associated with travel, conference registration, approved per diem expenses).