Tucson Water Award

Best poster award (excluding Hargis Awards and HAS Award of Excellence) for presentation in areas of scientific interest to donor: Certificate and award of $500

The inaugural award was made in 2020.

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2024, Jonathan Hasenstab

  • Determining the Source and Quality of Groundwater in the Headwaters of the Babocomari Watershed

2023, Abigail Kahler

  • Tailoring hydrologic modeling for improved water resources decision support: An approach to ensemble modeling

2022, Danielle Tadych

  • Exploring connections between groundwater storage and management settings using observations from groundwater models and GRACE data in Arizona

2021, Chandler Noyes

Collective award made by Tucson Water, the HAS Department, and HAS Alum Michael Carpenter

  • Fossil groundwaters: Relict of past climates or flow system size?

2020, William Duy

A collective award from Arizona Hydrological Society-Tucson Chapter, Tucson Water, and HAS Alums Michael Block and Michael Carpenter  

  • Using machine learning to predict saturated hydraulic conductivity