HASSA General Meeting: September 13

From HASSA Officers

HASSA General Meeting Sep 13


5 to 7 p.m., Sept. 13, 2023
Howdy HAS students!
We hope everyone had a great summer and an even better beginning to the first few weeks of school! For those who are unfamiliar with us, we are the Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences Student Association (HASSA)! We are an organization made of HAS students that assists the entire HAS student body through representation, social events, and professional development. Most importantly, we are here for all HAS students in whatever manner is needed. As we start getting back into the swing of things...
HASSA meetings are back! For our first General Meeting, we will be meeting on Wednesday, September 13, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm in Harshbarger Room 110. We will be having pizza and doing a fun Kahoot game with prizes for the winning individuals! You won't want to miss it! To ensure that we have enough pizza for everyone and that we cater to any dietary restrictions, please fill out the RSVP form distributed to your email (dated 9/5/2023) by next Tuesday, September 12th by NOON.
Also, HASSA is looking for social chairs. Feel free to contact any of the HASSA Officers if interested!
Stephanie Serrano  |  President
Gigi Giralté  | Vice President
Cassidy Soloff  |  Treasurer
Tyler Maio  |  Outreach Chair
Eden Harper  |  Undergraduate Representative
Natalie Yurek  |  Secretary
Samuel Dahl  |  Past President


UArizona HASSA Officers