HASSA Hiking Trip to Sabino Canyon

Sabino Canyon Picnic Area Map


9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., April 15, 2023

Sabino Canyon Day RSVP by Thursday, April 13

HASSA will host a hiking trip and picnic in Sabino Canyon on Saturday, April 15. The group will be hiking/walking along the Tram Road which is fully paved and 3.7 miles long (for a total of 7.4 miles out and back). We will be hiking/walking some portion of this but will not have time to do the complete route. After the walk, we will have a picnic in a nearby Ramada.

For those who want to skip the hike and just join us for the picnic, light refreshments will be served at the Ramada starting at 12:00 pm. Refer to the map to see which Ramada we have reserved for the event.

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT PARKING! The cost of the event (hike and picnic) is free, but there is an $8 entrance fee per vehicle. If you would like to attend the picnic, need a ride to the event, or would like to help with carpooling, please let us know by Thursday, April 13.

As a friendly reminder, please bring plenty of water, sunscreen, and a hat to protect yourself from the sun and heat this time of year.