El Día Presentation Guidelines (Oral and Poster)

Oral Presentation

  • Your Power Point presentation must be uploaded to _______ by March 23 or March 24.  
  • Keep a copy of your work on a flash drive and carry it with you to El Día.
  • Remember that you are addressing a cross-section of water professionals.  Make your topic understandable to others who may not be familiar with your area of expertise.
  • Your talk should last about 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for QA time (total 20 minutes).
  • You may choose to use a fixed microphone at the speaker podium or a microphone on your person.
  • Speak into the microphone even when you are pointing out particular points on the screen, especially if you are using a fixed microphone on the podium.
  • During QA time, first *repeat the question* clearly through the microphone and then give your answer.
  • Good luck, especially to the Montgomery Prize winner and the E. Philip Krider Award for best oral presentations:  You'll will be asked to represent the department for the Earth Week Plenary Oral Session!  So double luck to you!!

Poster Presentation

  • Submit your poster abstract by February 21st at https://forms.gle/dFTU38b1HvRDH2Rw8.  See Guidelines for abstract here.
  • Posters will be printed by the department, you must upload your poster pdf to https://arizona.app.box.com/f/be65df579c61464f903015453f5a4f71 by 12:00 midnight on March 19, 2025.
  • Poster maximum width, left to right: Not more than 5 feet.
  • Poster maximum height, top to bottom: Not more than 3 feet.
  • Faculty advisors must review and sign off on your poster. 
  • On the day of El Día, you should plan to set up your poster before 8:00 AM.
  • You should plan to stand next to your poster during both scheduled Poster Sessions (11:00 and 14:00).